Image of SCP-7852 taken from MTF-█ █ █'s body camera moments before it went dark.
Item #: SCP-7852
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: To be Implemented: Seal in an isolated space surrounded by at least 20 feet of stone, preferably more. Allow no one to attempt to interact with the surrounding rock under any circumstances.
Description: SCP-7852 is a sapient lifeform not native to our dimension. It appears as a young man, and has several anomalous characteristics. Among these are the inability to age, and an inability to die, even to nuclear weapons or non-native metals. Further anomalous abilities include the ability to summon SCP-7850 instances, superhuman strength, and what appears to be a form of esoteric energy manipulation. It also appears that it has an innate connection with SCP-7849-2, and can communicate with individuals through it, provided some amount is present within their body.
Addendum 1.1: Following the escape of SCP-7852 from it's tomb beneath the Vatican, SCP-7852 seems to have disappeared. Given it's ability to summon SCP-7850 instances, and their ability to hide in and control civilians, Foundation personnel are to be aware that there is a high threat of an exposure event, and all nonactive MTF teams are to be on high alert and prepared for duty.
Addendum 1.2: All available MTF teams are hereby authorized and ordered to prepare for long term, high risk deployment. SCP-7852 has showcased the existence of anomalous abilities to the public, despite our best efforts, and many are gathering to it, most especially those of the christian faith. We believe this to be an effort to build an army of SCP-7850 infected individuals, for some as of yet unknown goal.
Discovery: Refer to Incident Log 1.4 in SCP-7849
Document 1.1: Broadcast by SCP-7852 to the world
"Disciples of Christ! I come to you today as a messanger from above! The Lord has sent me to reward his faithful followers, and to guide you into the new age! But I know to prove worthy of your faith and loyalty, first I must prove my providence as a messanger of the Lord! Behold- a miracle!"
SCP-7852 turns away from the camera, and beckons several people onto the stage it occupies. The people coming on stage are visibly sick or injured, and when SCP-7852 'baptizes' them with a nearby bowl, their illness and wounds appear to heal. This broadcast was initially met with skepticism, but as the people involved came out and medical worker testimony surfaced, in addition to more of the same broadcasts, SCP-7852's following grew.
Of note is that despite Infosec succeeding in determining the locations in the broadcasts, SCP-7852 managed to escape capture. Additionally, SCP-7849 reports that SCP-7850 instances can be seen possessing the people being healed, along with the people helping them.
Document 1.2:
Incident Log 1.1
Incident Log 1.2
SCP-7849 Observation Log 1.1
Incident Log 1.3