An image of the object emitting energy while embedded in SCP-7849-1-J
Item #: SCP-7851
Formerly Known As: Lilith Villaumbrosia
Object Class: Euclid Apollyon
Special Containment Procedures: Keep subject in a humane environment. Allow as little human contact as possible.
Containment Addendum: Updated Containment procedure: SCP-7851 is no longer possible to contain. Given the current crisis surrounding the very public display of anomalous abilities, it has been decided that for as long as it is able to be useful in working towards containing SCP-7852 it will be allowed free reign. Precautions have been taken in the form of a subdermal tracking device and a small explosive device sitting on top of its spinal cord, containing trace amounts of divinium.
Description: Updated 2 Weeks into SCP-7852’s breach incident: SCP-7851 is a humanoid anomaly that was identical in mind and appearance to an MTF-749 member by the name of Lilith. After an event shown in Document 1.1, the anomaly began mutating, developing scales and even wings.
Discovery: See SCP-7849 for events leading to discovery.
Document 1.1: Video Evidence from Site-█ █ █
The video shows the life’s work of Researcher █ █ █ █ █, seemingly a door set in the center of a laboratory. █ █ █ █ █ can be seen working at a desk on the other side of the room, when they are seemingly startled, and jump up from the chair. SCP-7851 walks in from off frame, and lifts █ █ █ █ █ up by their collar. The verbal altercation that follows is not audible, but it is clear that SCP-7851 has convinced Researcher █ █ █ █ █ to allow it to use their device. SCP-7851 can be seen digging into the site where it was pierced by an instance of SCP-7849-3, and tearing off a piece of what is assumed to be its mutated flesh. It then sticks it through the mail slot of the door, while █ █ █ █ █ performs their work on a nearby terminal, before it opens the door and steps through. The video becomes static for a moment, before SCP-7851 is seen being thrown out of the door by some sort of concussive blast, and the camera feed is lost.