
An image of the eponymous 'Cruciform Sword'
Group of Interest Number: 73
Group of Interest Status: Neutralized
Estimated Membership (Active): Between 500 and 2,000
Overview: The Order of the Cruciform Sword was a religious organization within the Catholic Church that was aware of and actively combated anomalous entities related to their faith. Notable for their use of weaponry composed of SCP-7849-2, this GOI fell during the SCP-7852 crisis, when the locations of their various headquarters were betrayed to SCP-7852 by Father Vincent, who was integral to the anomaly’s release. Several members of the order survived the purge, and have since gone into hiding, joined other groups of interest, or taken refuge with the Foundation. The most notable of these is Mother Superion, who was the highest ranked member of the order, and has asked the Foundation for asylum. This was granted tentatively, and she is currently attached to MTF-749.
Alleged History: Members of GOI 73 claim that their order was founded during the crusades by one Areala of Cordoba. They claim that an angel descended and bestowed upon her SCP-7849, the 'Halo'. Areala was their founder, and their mission statement is to 'fight against evil.'
Policy of Engagement: Adopt a nonhostile stance towards their operatives. If threatened, respond with appropriate force. No longer relevant.